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ISO - F1留学生和J1交换生健康医疗保险











发表于 2023-5-7 08:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ISO International Student Health Insurance: https://www.isoa.org

ISO Insurance is the manager and sole provider of ISO insurance plans to international students in many Universities. ISO offers its renowned plans: ISO COMPASS insurance - the leading F1 health insurance, COMPASS Gold Insurance, COMPASS Silver, ISO Med plans, J1 Exchange plan - the leading J1 health insurance, ISO-Care and ISO-Share – an ACA comparable health insurance plan for international students. ISO international student insurance plans are the leading international student health insurance plans in US universities and colleges. International students who need ISOA international student insurance can find international students insurance at isoa.org (not to be confused with iso.org insurance or iso.com insurance). With ISO insurance for international students ISOA fulfills its goal of providing health insurance for international students in USA. Plans are mostly offered to F1 visa students and J1 visa holders. ISO insurance plans are also offered to non-U.S. citizens who are seeking visitor health insurance plans and dependent visitor medical insurance for non-U.S. citizens. ISO insurance for international students is suitable for students on OPT, international students after graduation and ESL students. In addition to student health insurance ISO also offers medical insurance for international students. International students should also check the benefits of the International Student Organization, such as newsletters, information about scholarships and grants and more attractive services and savings available are available at www.intlstudent.org. Remember: advise your university to contact ISO Insurance for the best international student medical insurance. Tell them that ISOA insurance is the answer!

ISO 留学生健康医疗保险致力于为国际学生提供不同种类的短期保险计划,以满足留学生的特殊保险需求。该公司从成立以来,一直秉承不变的理念是:为国际学生提供经济实惠的保险方案。  在美国留学必须要有健康保险,ISO 的保险计划能为留学生在美期间提供安全保障。深受广大留学生欢迎的计划有:Compass 黄金计划,Compass 白银计划,ISO Med,和Shield 500计划。这些保险计划满足大多数美国大学对F1留学生和J1交换生的要求。有些学校对保险有特殊要求, ISO推出的保险计划不仅能顺利waive掉学校的保险,价格上又很便宜,能为你节省近几千刀的支出。如果对waiver流程有问题,可以关注ISO微信微博公众号或学校中国学生会相关论坛查看攻略,或者通过学校国际留学生办公室的官方网站了解学校的保险政策。持有J1签证的访问学者在美国交流期间也必须购买医保,ISO的J1计划满足美国联邦政府出台的政策需求。对于已经毕业,处于OPT期间或者正在等待EAD卡的学生,ISO的两个OPTima计划是最好的选择。如果您是非留学的美国访客,持有B1和B2旅游签证、作为学生家属的F2和J2签证、或者H1B工作签证,可以购买Voyager计划。

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