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Grisamore farms cherries and raspberries picking











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wolfking发表于 2011-5-18 15:02

Grisamore farms cherries and raspberries picking

For those who stay in Ithaca for the Summer, battling against countless papers and combating endless experiments and projects, it’s time to have a brief escape from your office, lab and even Cornell to have a rest and to enjoy the wonder of Summer together with your family and friends. CSSA is now organizing a cherries and raspberries picking event and looking forward to share a relaxing and happy day with you.

Location: Grisamore Farm (~ 30 min away from campus, http://www.grisamorefarms.com/Default.htm)
Time: 9:30am – 12:30 pm, June 26th (Saturday)
Cost: Depends on how many cherries and other fruits you pick, for cherries, it’s $2.75 per pound.

We’ll gather in the square of Bailey Hall at 9:30 am on June 26th and set off together for the farm. We’ll spend about 2 hours in the farm enjoy picking cherries, raspberries and maybe strawberries. Besides, there are a lot more in the farm, like farm store and greenhouses and you are free to explore. We have not lunch plans and we’ll return to the compus after the trip.

If you are interested, please send an email to “2010cssa@gmail.com” in the following format before 12 p.m on Friday (June 25th).

The number of people joining:
Need a ride: (Y/N)
Provide a ride: (Y/N)
Seats needed or provided:

Driving directions to Grismore farm: http://maps.google.com/maps?daddr=Goose+St,+NY+13092&geocode=Cay_PCR8WQguFS_bigIdpuhw-w&dirflg=&saddr=ithaca&f=d&hl=en&sll=42.654511,-76.48649&sspn=0.046396,0.077162&ie=UTF8&z=11

We offer our sincere thanks in advance to those who kindly provide rides.

This is our first activity of cssa2010~2011, hope we can see everyone who is still in Ithaca, let’s celebrate the summer break together!

CSSA 2010

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