The Chinese Culture House is a hotel style student housing providing residents with the comforts of modern luxury. Now it is available for short term rental by month or by week.
地址:572 Warren RD. Chinese Culture House, 请查看chineseculturehousedotorg . House 共有7个独立卧室. 位于Northeast , 苑林别墅式住房免费停车, 多路公交车, 交通便捷.
公寓:酒店式装置, 卫星电视, 因特网, 教室, 客厅, 厨房,洗衣房,停车场配备齐全.独立卧室,家具及床上用品齐备. 每间配备保险柜. 卫生间有单独的或者两人和用的. 公寓整洁卫生。
周边:步行五到十分钟到商业区, 银行, 医院.公交车Bus Route: 31, 32, 37.